Human mesenchymal stem cells

MesenCult™-hPL Medium Kit

Manufacturer: STEMCELL Technologies

Status: New


MesenCult™-hPL Medium has been optimized for the culture and expansion of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs; also known as mesencyhymal stem cells) as well as for the detection and enumeration of colony-forming unit fibroblasts (CFU-F).

MesenCult™-hPL 10X Supplement is an alternative growth supplement to fetal bovine serum (FBS) that contains purified human platelet lysate (hPL). Complete MesenCult™-hPL Medium (Basal Medium + 10X Supplement) does not require addition of growth factors, lipids, or attachment substrate. It is more defined and provides better performance than FBS-containing media, and is also a more affordable option than defined, serum-free media.

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