Cryopreservation and Thawing of Pluripotent Stem Cells: Technical Tips and Media Recommendations

Đông Lạnh Và Rã Đông Tế Bào Gốc Đa Năng: Hướng Dẫn Kỹ Thuật Và Môi Trường Khuyến Nghị

Cryopreservation and Thawing of Pluripotent Stem Cells: Technical Tips and Media Recommendations

Pluripotent stem cell (PSC) cultures should be harvested and cryopreserved at the time they would normally be ready for passaging. Each vial should contain the cell aggregates from one well of a 6-well plate. If using other cultureware, adjust media volumes accordingly. 

Source: STEMCELL Technologies