NitroTAG® - Cryogenic Barcode Labels From -196°C* to +110°C

Nhãn Mã Vạch Đông Lạnh NitroTAG® Chịu Nhiệt Từ -196°C* Đến +110°C

NitroTAG® - Cryogenic Barcode Labels From -196°C* to +110°C

NitroTAG® cryogenic barcode labels suitable specifically for small diameter cryotubes & cryovials, cardboard freezer boxes, polypropylene cryo/freezer boxes, cell culture plates, plastic bags and other containers for storage in liquid and vapor phase liquid nitrogen (-196ºC), liquid helium (-269ºC) and laboratory freezers (-120ºC, -80ºC, -20ºC).